📝 Explained: Forced (Full) Page Reload

If you get a javascript error on your page or if your page does not load completely, it may help to reload the page. Normally reloading a page will cure the problem but your browser does not reload all of the files unless you specifically request it. Doing a hard page reload will ensure that your browser has the full, most recent version of all of the files that make up a web page.

Depending on which browser you use, there are different ways to force your browser to do a hard page reload. Here are explanations on how to do it for the most common web browsers:

Browser Operating System Directions
Google Chrome or
Microsoft Edge
Windows Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button  
Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5
Google Chrome MacOS Hold down Shift and click the Reload button
Or Hold down Command, Shift and click the 'R' key
Firefox Windows Hold down Ctrl, Shift and the 'R' key
Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5
Firefox MacOS Hold down Command, Shift and the 'R' key
Or Hold down Shift and press the reload button
Safari MacOS Hold down the option and command key then press the 'E' key
Internet Explorer Windows Hold the Control key, press the F5 key
Or hold the Control key, click the Refresh button
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